About Us

The Inspection Company

The Inspection Company Ltd. was founded in 2007 with the aim of minimizing buyer risks when buying goods from Asia and improving the quality of the products. TIC is one of the leading service provider in Asia for quality and compliance control. We carry out professional quality control, such as factory audits, goods inspections, container loading monitoring, etc.

We work with importers, wholesalers and retailers, start-ups, brands and purchasing offices from all over the world to improve the safety and quality of products and supply chain. Based on your requirements and specifications, we develop tailor-made solutions and service plans. For each individual quality control service, we develop a specific work instruction that corresponds to the product and your requirements.

Flexible booking and communication tools, fast action, up-to-date online tools and excellent price/performance ratio characterize our service throughout Asia.

Leading service provider in Asia
Quality and Compliance Control

most promising third party quality inspection service providers certificate
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Expert Audit Services

An overlook of the suppliers performance will help you.

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Sample Test Service

Your suppliers send the samples to our testing laboratory.

quality platform

Our Quality Platform

Online Booking, Tracking, and Report reviewing.

We are a ONE STOP SOLUTION Quality Control Service Partner to cover your whole business in all countries and different product lines in Asia.

Our Most Requested Services

sample inspection report

Why TIC?

Our Experience & Expertise
Makes All The Difference

Over 39,000 people work for us in more than 70 countries all This
breadth of global coverage, combined with specialist.

Our Goal

Our goal is to improve the products made in Asia by reducing the risks for overseas purchasers and minimizing the return rate of goods to sales location.


Professional Inspectors

We have a professional team and work with companies all over the world; therefore, we cover a big range of products such as Electronics, Multimedia, Fabrics, Garments and etc.


Certification and Memberships

We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and a member of various internal organizations to ensure stable processes and procedures. We follow the intern. AQL standard for all inspections to have transparency in the results.



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We are Choice Of Various Industries , Not An Option

Which Industry Do We Support?

Which Industry Do We Support?

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Inspection Services

Some Facts About TIC

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Countries we cover

with full coverage in major regions...

satisfied clients


Satisfied Clients

all over the world...

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Audits per Year

in various industries and countries...

inspection per year


Inspections per year

with full coverage in major regions...


Convince Yourself of
Our Services

Here is some feedback from our clients, about our service, which we like to share with you:


Our Membership

German Chamber
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 Sira
European Union Chamber