
Pre Shipment Inspection - Pre Shipment Inspection with TIC

Pre-Shipment Inspection

The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is one of the most conducted services by TIC and conducted by clients. This is the last chance to avoid shipping wrong or defect products. This inspection conducted before the cargo's shipment and will take place, when the order is 100% finished in production and at least 80% of the order has been fully packed for shipping.

The inspector will randomly picking the samples from the lot of cargos to conduct the inspection as per the sampling plan and AQL standard: ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003.

Visual and function checking according to check lists and clients specification is followed by a detail report to show all findings.

Pre-Shipment Inspection

How does TIC perform the PSI?

Our inspector will monitor and verify each step of the production process and the semi-finished or finished products. All inline QC steps will be monitored and verified as well the production status reported.


Our inspector arrives at the factory, when the production is completely finished.

Checking, if the total order/shipment quantity is ready and available for inspection.

According to AQL the correct sample size will be randomly picked by the inspector.

All defects will be sort out and evidence kept by photos.

Defective Products will be discussed with Factory to avoid in future, and Report will be sent to you within 24 hours