
Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I figure out the right sample size and acceptance number?

We work with the international Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) standard (see 'Our Standard'). If you are thinking about an inspection in the near future, you should contact us to get your individualized inspection according to your needs.

2. What are usually the major defects found during the TIC-Inspections?

Some common defects, that our inspectors reveal regularly, are for example: Electronically function defects (e.g. incorrect wiring, incompatible battery, LED malfunction) Appearance failures (e.g. different color shades, Measurement failures, uneven stitching)

3. What happens if the vendor does not provide the specified quantity of finished products to complete the inspection you have ordered?

If the factory can afford the right amount of finished products before the beginning of inspection, the inspector will start to inspect. However, if the correct quantity is not finished up to the inspection date the inspector cancels the inspection and reports it in the unfinished report.

4. How can TIC ensure anti-bribery?

To provide our clients an excellent service we ensure that all of our inspectors and employees stay away from any kind of corruption. In general Bribery is often associated with Asian countries. We work to eliminate these distortions of competition. All our inspectors are experienced and we work with them for several years. Additionally, all inspectors have to sign an anti-bribery contract after every inspection, to prove that they have worked responsibly and ethically.

5. Can I also book one service containing more than one type of product?

Yes, we can perform inspections of several models at once. Every model will be listed separately in the report then. When using our online booking service you can insert and save several products. This enables you to save time during next orders.

6. After I receive confirmation for my order, can I change or update it? How?

You need an Account at TIC website. Just login and change the current status of your order in the tab ‘My Bookings’.

7. How long does it take to receive the report?

We provide a Quick Report within the same day of inspection. The detailed report is sent to you within the next 24 hours then.

8. What is the work unit for inspection?

We work in man-days as a work unit for inspections. From the buyer's point of view, the "Manday" is a system that enables direct and quick calculation of the QC costs.

  • "Man": Both women and men work as inspectors. Qualified personnel are crucial for reliable quality control. Inspectors spend their time checking the quality and conformity of the products in the factories (according to AQL - norm) to protect the interests of the importers.
  • "days": A meaningful inspection takes eight hours. Inspectors should only conduct one QC per day to ensure reliable results.